Barbie: Ken 's impact on men's fashion trends

The immense popularity of Babrie led to a new trend and elevated Ken to the status of a style icon.

The blockbuster film Barbie, starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, has been a significant hit since its release in Greece a month ago on July 20th. It has shattered numerous records and made history by achieving the best opening of 2023 with $162 million and the best first three days of any film directed by a woman. The movie has raked in over $1.2 billion in worldwide box office sales and an estimated $537 million in the U.S., surpassing the $536 million that Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight" earned in 2008. The movie's massive popularity has also spurred a new trend known as Barbiecore, which focuses on the color pink associated with the iconic doll, self-confidence, and fashion choices.

The success of Barbie, starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, speaks for itself. With its impressive box office numbers and positive reviews from audiences and critics, the film has sold tickets and inspired a new fashion trend known as Barbiecore. This trend is about embracing the iconic doll's signature pink color and channeling her self-confidence and fashion sense in everyday life. Even before the first trailer's release, Barbie's influence on consumer preferences was undeniable, making it clear that the movie's impact goes far beyond the cinema screen.

The role of Ken in the Barbie movie

For those who have watched the movie, it's clear that Ken, portrayed by Ryan Gosling, plays a crucial role in the plot. His song "I'm Just Ken" has become a hit, debuting on the Billboard Hot 100 and even making it into the U.K. Top 40 chart. The song's lyrics reflect the story of Ken, who is in love with Barbie but constantly feels inferior to her. He struggles to stand out and be noticed, always living in her shadow.

The story of the doll named Ken

When we take a closer look at the story of Ken, we find that it is just as fascinating as Barbie's. Ken's full name is Kenneth Sean Carson, and he was named after the son of Mattel's founders, Ruth and Elliot Handler, just like Barbie was named after their daughter. Ken was born on March 11, 1961, two years and two days after Barbie. His first doll was only 12 inches tall and wore a red swimsuit with sandals, holding a yellow towel. In 1973 Ken got artificial hair for the first time, and in 1982, the first black Ken was created. In the 90s, Ken caught professions related to the sciences, such as that of a doctor, and in the 00s, he spent his time in the limelight, changing various artistic jobs. Ken has evolved to reflect social awareness and inclusion, with versions of him featuring more diverse body types and abilities. In 2010, a version of Ken with a heavier build was released, and in 2020, a version of him using a wheelchair was introduced.

Ken's style lessons


Ken in the Barbie movie is not only up-to-date with the latest trends but also has the ability to set new ones. His unique fashion sense draws inspiration from the current year's trends while also influencing the choices of fashion experts and men alike. For instance, Ken's affinity for the color pink helped to popularize it in men's clothing. Additionally, his outfits featuring pastel shades, fringes, stripes, cowboy style, total denim, and patterns with neon shades have become popular among men who seek to emulate his style.

Ryan Gosling's portrayal of Ken in the Barbie movie was captivating even from the trailer alone, garnering attention from both traditional media and social media. The film's message was clear: one's clothing or color choices should never be used to question their masculinity or sexuality. No article of clothing, including pink, should be considered taboo. The key is to wear what you want confidently and smile, just like Ryan Gosling as Ken.

Explore the impressive collection from Aristoteli Bitsiani and draw inspiration from the fashion choices featured in the widely popular Barbie movie, which includes Ryan Gosling's trendsetting portrayal of Ken. Use this inspiration to create outfits that bring joy and confidence to your wardrobe.